New Life of Old Things, or Fashionable Upcycling with Care for the Environment

"New Life of Old Things, or Fashionable Upcycling with Care for the Environment" is an educational online program which was created to promote the principle of a conscious approach to fashion and responsible consumption of clothing, footwear, and accessories. This is the name of a series which consists of eight workshops, which is the basis of an online project in which experts in upcycling will participate. The project is co-funded by the Embassy of the Netherlands in Ukraine and is implemented under the auspices of the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation. Partners: Lviv Fashion Week, Zero Waste Lviv.

Not only is the series of videos (one of which was made using VR technology) aimed at promoting eco-life and eco-motivation, but this is also a set of practical instructions and recommendations for daily use. This is a set of habits and skills related to "fashionable" upcycling, which will be useful to every supporter of the principle of conscious consumption. Therefore, in each of the 8 videos, viewers will receive a short clear instruction and visualization of the upcycling scheme.

The speakers include: Yana Chervinska, designer of the Yana Chervinska brand, founder of the Sustainable Fashion Pad platform, founder of the Bezzaive NGO, coordinator of the Ukrainian Ecostations Network, designers Olga Steblak (Olga Steblak brand) and Olesya Marchuk (Olesya Marchuk brand), Iryna Soloviy - designer, author of the "Zhortok" eco-friendly packaging brand, Oksana Gural - designer of the Gural Jewelry brand, Iva Repnytska and Natalia Kapustynska - the authors of numerous upcycling workshops, Marta Skinnysticks - the author of the Skinnysticks, a brand of artistic painting of clothes.

The program on the topic of upcycling will be interesting both for those who actively apply the principle of conscious approach to fashion, and for those who want to do this, but do not know where to start and how to apply the principle of conscious consumption in everyday life. The project is designed for a wide audience of people who are not customers of luxury brands, who may not be interested in designer clothes and fashion in general, but are simply looking for a way to recycle old things/clothes. 

That is why a DIY (Do It Yourself) approach is used in the program, a format where people create things with their own hands, which has become a separate social trend and a popular phenomenon in mass culture.

A series of videos appeared online in October; all videos are available for viewing on the Facebook page and Youtube channel of the project: